SAAS Platform News CMS
Updates on the platform for creating sites and online stores


Added payment system (with support for many languages, currencies, GooglePay and Applepay). And also added control of pages of messages about the status of payment.

Added the ability to use Pixel Facebook - automatically. You only need to specify the pixel ID of Facebook.

Updated «Group Editor». Added the ability to change the «Price», «Old price», «Specify shares» (including the timer), as well as search by «Title» and «Category». The price can be changed by «Mathematical expression» - multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, including percent. «Old price» can be indicated based on the value of the item, also by «Mathematical expression».

Added Telegram Bot for notification of new orders.

Added a setting for displaying the contents of the cart after adding an item to the cart or on hovering the mouse cursor.

Added the ability to enable email notification about automatic import or update.

Added recalculation of the quantity of goods in stock when changing the status of the order in the statistics of sales. To enable this option, go to the settings, in the "Shop" tab. Automatic recalculation of availability can be enabled both when placing an order, and when changing the status of an order. The balance conversion parameter in the sales statistics is displayed if the order status is «Processed» or «Processed and successfully completed».

Updated window with XML/CSV/JSON upload options. Added an upload and an additional Google Merchant Product Type field, as well as a Google Merchant Product Category.

If no Google Merchant Product Category parameters are specified in the Category, then the Google Merchant Product Type or "Category Title" field is used by default in XML upload for Google Merchant.

Google Merchant Product Type -

Google Merchant Product Category -https ://

-Updated display of fields in the order.
-Added fields to the editor of the list of ordered goods.
-Added option for calculating discounts (for promotional and non-promotional, as well as wholesale and non-wholesale prices). The discount is not cumulative for promotional and wholesale prices.
- Added the field "Price without discount" to the order snapshot and the editor of the list of ordered goods.

Added the ability to limit the addition of goods to the basket, by its quantity in stock.

Added visual control for inserting a list of products into the editor.

Added the ability to customize the path for loading images when using the design editor.

Added mobile version of HTML editor.

Updated editor (new version of TinyMCE5). Added loading images directly from the editor.

Added section "Scripts". In which scripts and instructions for them are required for the sites.

Added registration letter template on the site. You can create your own template in the E-mail newsletter section, Letter templates.

Added option to display blocks / menus on devices. You can enable the display of blocks / menus on all devices, smartphones or computers.

Added group editing for product varieties.

Added automatic change of PRICES, AVAILABILITY, NOVELTY, HIT OF SALES, DISCOUNT, ACCESS, for goods in another language.

Updated email alert template editor. Previously created templates by users are transferred to a new editor. The new editor provides for the separation of templates in various languages.

Added instructions for creating a pop-up block with the contents of the shopping cart. In the example, the script is triggered when you hover over the trash icon

An automatic set of goals has been added to track the conversion of sites created on the platform:

Added XML / YML upload for MarketPlace Rozetka and Yandex Market with product characteristics.

Platform servers have been updated. Improved performance and security.

Added microdata in online shopping categories.

Added extended Google Merchant XML upload for advertising in Google Mercant and Facebook, with product characteristics. This feature increases the likelihood of products getting into free listings, and also increases the chances of getting a conversion with paid impressions.

Issuance of the search query results in JSON format / tips when searching. To get JSON data with the product name, price, image and link, you can perform an AJAX request to the file "/ajax.php?search_shop" In the GET / POST variable "search" you must pass part of the product name or ID. The request can be executed only with paid hosting with a parked domain. The data can be used to implement the issuance of prompts in a search form. Sample code for implementing hints, in settings, in the "Search" tab.

Added viewing of the list of "Favorites" products for the administrator. You can view all products from the Favorites list, as well as a list for each user separately. You can filter your favorites list by Shipment and Purchase. When you make a purchase, your favorites are automatically marked as "Purchased". A template for mailing a list of selected products has been added, and a mailing function will be added in the near future.

Added export of the Product bundle to a separate file with a section on the line. Added import configuration from a separate file.

Added header for block with bundle. If the title is specified, it will be displayed above the block.