SAAS Platform News CMS
Updates on the platform for creating sites and online stores

Page Management

Manage pages.

In the Admin panel in the Pages section, you can add or remove pages. Pages can contain HTML data, as well as contain predefined data, such as, for example, a list of recently viewed products, new products, a shopping cart, news, and so on. Such pages are called "Functional".

To create a page, click «Add Page». If you need to create your own page, without predefined data, then click «Create Page» again. Now you can specify the title and other data. The text of the page will be displayed in the block for the content, that is, in the middle of the site. The page name is its path. For example, if the page name is «home», then use «home.htm» to open it. The resulting path to the page can be inserted into the main menu, into site blocks, or into the text of other pages.

You can use any HTML data to format the text of the pages. To simplify data editing, you can use the built-in editor, which can be enabled by clicking «Editor» above the main text entry field.

On the page, you can also insert not only any HTML data, but also data from widgets that can contain interactive data, such as a list of articles, a list of products, store categories, and others. To activate them, click the "Widgets" button, and fill in the data according to the instructions.

If you need to create a page with predefined data, then after clicking "Add Page", select "Create Functional Page". In the window that opens, you can choose which page you want to create.

Functional pages are activated by their name, for example, if you need to create your own shopping cart page and text after placing an order, then select «Cart (Text above the order form)» in the pop-up window. The page will contain a list of items added to the cart, as well as the text that you will insert into it. This page is divided into the basic data of the cart and the text in case of successful order submission, which you can change. For example, if you want to add your own successful conversion code, then fill in the «Text in case of successful order submission» field with the text «Order sent successfully» and add the conversion code. In this case, the text of the page will be displayed on the shopping cart view page before the customer has completed the order submission. And «Text in case of successful sending of the order» - after sending the order.

The main page of the site is also functional, and may contain a welcome text, a list of products or other data. To create it, click «Create Functional Page», and select «Main Page». The name of the page will be "index". Now you can specify it as the main page by clicking in the «Pages» section - «Specify the main page for the site». Select "Page named index" and save changes.

Note: the path to the page may contain its language, for example, if the page «home» is created in Russian, then the path to the page is recommended to use the following «/en/home.htm».

You can enable the mandatory addition of a language to the page path in the site settings, in the «Languages ​​and start page» tab, in the «Redirect with language binding» section. In the same tab, you can specify the main language of the site, which will open if the visitor goes without specifying the language of the page.

Multilingualism on the site is implemented using the «Page in other languages» item, for example, if you want to create a «home» page in English, then repeat the procedure for creating the «home» page, specifying the page language - en. Now it is necessary for both pages with the name «home» to specify the same value in the «Page in other languages» item, for example, the ID of the first created page «home». P.s. when creating pages with the same name in different languages, this item will be filled in automatically.
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