Added an information panel with the results of the latest import.
Added an information panel with the results of the latest import.
This page allows you to display the 8 most recent import results. This panel will allow you to see the Product Code and ID, as well as the line where the import process ended. When importing large amounts of data, the page allows you to track the line at which the import was interrupted.
This page allows you to display the 8 most recent import results. This panel will allow you to see the Product Code and ID, as well as the line where the import process ended. When importing large amounts of data, the page allows you to track the line at which the import was interrupted.
Added autocomplete product ID in sales statistics when changing the list of ordered products.
Added an advanced editor of fields for the Order Form.
Added function "Shops/Pickup Points"
Added an advanced editor of fields for the Order Form.
Added function "Shops/Pickup Points"