SAAS Platform News CMS
Updates on the platform for creating sites and online stores
  • Updates and news of the platform for creating online stores
Added the Cookie Consent and Data Transfer Function to Google Analytics and Tag Manager.

Added mass transfer of price from varieties to the main price of the product. You can set the minimum price of the variety or the maximum. The function is in the section Settings, Store, Service.

Added Booking Calendar. The calendar contains information about occupied slots located on the calendar. The colors of the statuses and tips are made similar to the sales statistics. In addition, the option to display time in the booking system has been added, the format is 24 hours, as well as 12 hours - AM / PM. Added the ability to make a booking system for many days.

A Booking Widget has been added.
The booking feature is an additional widget that allows implementing a booking system for available time slots. Bookings can be organized into groups, for example, for massage beds, restaurant tables, rental cars, or other resources.

You can specify the schedule for available time slots in your calendar, both recurring and one-time. After that, visitors will be able to make a booking.

Various statuses are available when booking. You can specify a default status to register, as well as activate a Payment feature, after which a different status, specified in the settings, will be applied.

The feature allows limiting the dates displayed in the calendar. Additionally, you can enable booking for one slot with a specified number of available spots.

Added widget with reviews Google Reviews - Api (Google My Business).
The widget allows you to receive reviews about your company from your Google My Business profile.
Google Reviews - Api

Added a new way to display the list of categories of the Store. Vertically Flex menu - a compact vertical menu with a fixed height, which contains the categories and subcategories of the store. Child categories are displayed in a block of fixed height, to the right of the parent category button.

A new method for displaying the list of categories in the Store has been added. This method allows you to display a list of categories, as well as several child subcategories. This display method can be enabled using Widgets, "Widget with store categories", "Display method" - "Standard list with blocks (buttons) + list of subcategories".

Attention! The structure of the Google Merchant XML file has been replaced. Previously, the category name was specified as the category. After updating the structure, the name was moved to custom_lagel_2, and the full path to the category is set as the product type.

Added an environment for the cart button «hotengine-shop-product-cart-parent», which may contain additional classes «hotengine-shop-product-compare-exists» and «hotengine-shop-product-favorite-exists» if product comparison or the 'Add to Favorites' icon is enabled, with a position «AFTER» or «BEFORE» the cart button. Furthermore, if the quantity toggle for adding products to the cart is enabled, the element will include the additional class «hotengine-shop-product-spinner-block».
Updated the icons for switching the product list display style.
Updated the style for displaying products in list view

Added detailed information about the import result.

Added a function to display the values ​​selected in the search filter at the top of the page. The function can be enabled both in the "Mobile menu: Application" and in the "Search filter" functional menu. When enabling the function in the Mobile menu, you can set the minimum screen size for its activation.

jQuery UI has been completely removed from the website. The library is now installed only on certain pages of the Admin Center. The reason for the removal is optimization and speed improvement of loading. The jQuery UI library takes up more than 250 kB.
After optimization, we created our own modal window modules (dialog), changed the quantity of products before adding them to the cart (spinner), updated the customizable hotengine-popup modal module, and replaced the tab function (tabs) — now they are fully implemented using standard browser tools. In addition, the autocomplete function has been replaced with the smallest plugin — Awesomplete.

Thanks to this optimization, we have reduced the code of loaded libraries to 22 kB. Moreover, many of our libraries are separated into individual processes, so they are not loaded unnecessarily.

Please note that if you previously used functions like dialog, slide, accordion, autocomplete, or some other functions exclusive to the jQuery UI library, you will need to install the code for their loading. This can be done by adding a block/menu, placing it in service tags, with the following code.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

The functions that are disabled:
  • dialog()
  • draggable()
  • droppable()
  • resizable()
  • selectable()
  • sortable()
  • accordion()
  • tabs()
  • tooltip()
  • datepicker()
  • progressbar()
  • spinner()
  • slider()
  • slider("option")
  • slideUp()
  • slideDown()
  • fadeIn()
  • fadeOut()
  • position()
  • widget()
We will be testing and identifying all errors for several days. Please, if you discover any errors, let us know through the feedback form.
In the coming days, a global update of the platform's functionality will be carried out. The large JUQEY UI library will be disabled. To install it, if you are using any of the functions listed below for styling your website, you need to manually include the library. This can be done by creating a block/menu and placing the following code in it: <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
The functions that will be disabled:
  • dialog()
  • draggable()
  • droppable()
  • resizable()
  • selectable()
  • sortable()
  • accordion()
  • tabs()
  • tooltip()
  • datepicker()
  • progressbar()
  • spinner()
  • slider()
  • slider("option")
  • slideUp()
  • slideDown()
  • fadeIn()
  • fadeOut()
  • position()
  • widget()
Some of them will be replaced (or have already been replaced) with lighter and more modern methods. For pop-up windows, our new module hotengine_micromodal will be connected, with a size of only 8kb. Similarly, spinner() and tooltip() will be replaced. The replacement of tabs() was done earlier.

Added sorting information fields in the admin center. Sales statistics, products, categories, articles, etc. The field is displayed if a search is performed by any of the available parameters.

Added an option to display additional images in the product card.

Jquery library updated → 3.7

Added the ability to hide site elements when activating the mobile menu.

Added the ability to set a tax with automatic recalculation of the final cost.

Added the ability to set a discount depending on the quantity of goods purchased.

Added display of manufacturers to the mobile menu. And also added the ability to use the JavaScript Callback function when you click on a button in the mobile menu.