Updated the layout for the display of the 'Add to Cart' button.
Added an environment for the cart button «hotengine-shop-product-cart-parent», which may contain additional classes «hotengine-shop-product-compare-exists» and «hotengine-shop-product-favorite-exists» if product comparison or the 'Add to Favorites' icon is enabled, with a position «AFTER» or «BEFORE» the cart button. Furthermore, if the quantity toggle for adding products to the cart is enabled, the element will include the additional class «hotengine-shop-product-spinner-block».
Updated the icons for switching the product list display style.
Updated the style for displaying products in list view
Updated the icons for switching the product list display style.
Updated the style for displaying products in list view
Updated import of manufacturers and collections. Added loading icons on import.
Added a group change "Prices" - "Markup", based on the "Purchase price".
Added widget to manage XML/YML/CSV/JSON uploads
Added a group change "Prices" - "Markup", based on the "Purchase price".
Added widget to manage XML/YML/CSV/JSON uploads