SAAS Platform News CMS
Updates on the platform for creating sites and online stores

Added the ability to receive payments using acquiring from Monobank.

Added the ability to receive payments using acquiring from Monobank.

When making a payment, a list of goods with prices and their quantity is additionally transmitted.

How to connect Acquiring

    1. Leave a request and fill out the connection form at the link *In the question about cms, specify
    *After verification, you will receive instructions from monobank.
2. Create a token.
    For this:
    ⁃ follow the link, scan the QR code
    ⁃ confirm the login through the monobank app
    ⁃ click "Internet", and after "manage acquiring"
    - create an "X-Token" and copy it.
3. Create a payment method on
    To do this, in the Admin panel, go to the "Shop" - "Payment systems" section and click "Add payment method".
    Select the payment method "" and enter X-Token in the secret key field.

Tariff for acquiring from monobank.

-0.6% for cards of Ukrainian banks
-1.8% for cards of foreign banks.

Added XML unloading of goods for the Epicenter shopping center -
Added the function of splitting the line with IMAGES.
Added visual control for inserting a list of products into the editor.